This picture of us in the snow was taken right around when we came up with a little character named Fontaine.
Amanda and I met at a little store named “Little’s Store” in Atlanta. We were both newly pregnant, from Louisiana, and, honestly, very stressed. To this day, Amanda is in my phone as “Amanda Little Momma”.
We instantly formed one of those once-in-a-lifetime mom friendships that have kept women sane for centuries.
One day, while strolling our children around, we talked about how cell phones changed how we imagined we would parent.
Like everyone, we were perfect screen-free parents before we became parents.
Mid-conversation, we saw a massive flock of birds ahead of us, and Amanda wondered out loud if they were mad at us for being so distracted.
She said that sometimes she wished a bird would poop on her phone and wake her up.
I told her she was brilliant and that we needed to turn this idea into a children’s story.
We went back to her house, put our babies on the floor to play with each other, and I wrote “Fontaine the Pigeon Starts a Revolution” ironically on the notes app on my phone (with a guitar on my lap).
Little did we know that one day, we would both be back home in Louisiana with a nationwide publishing deal for a joke we came up with on a cold walk in Atlanta.
But that is how our story went.
Our children are now eight, thriving, and proud of their moms’ first children’s book. “My mom wrote a book about birds that poop on phones,” they announce when the opportunity arises.
While we still struggle with managing our relationship with screens in our lives, we hope this book will inspire a million conversations about how important it is to disconnect from technology and reconnect with one another.
Thank you for visiting our site and supporting our first published piece of art!
Thank you to our agent, Jesse, and the good people at Paw Prints Publishing for believing in us and our vision.
Thank you to the fathers of our kiddos who introduced Amanda and me to each other eight years ago at a corner store in Atlanta.
And, of course, thank you to Amanda. We have taken turns being rocks for each other through the years. We have supported each other in taking enormous steps for our children and ourselves, and now we are published artists with our first book.
Britt (the author)